Month: January 2019
Why should Companies learn from Consumers? A Driver as the Designer
In the age of open reciprocal and responsible innovations, the lack of openness in many organizations is difficult to appreciate....
पी.एम.ए. क्या है?
पी.एम.ए. पॉजिटिवमेंटल एटीट्यूड का संक्षिप्त रूप है; लेकिन यह जीवन के आशावादी दृष्टिकोण से भी बढ़कर बहुत कुछ है। जब...
Sans Serif: Simplicity along with Modernity is the Demand of Present Scenario.
The same goes with the content on every website. Whenever we prepare the content for marketing, we make sure that...
Mindfulness; a word that stares at us irrespective of the medium/platform we are using these days. Books, movies, articles, programs...
सफलता के सिद्धांत : अपने जीवन की 100 प्रतिशत जिम्मेदारी लीजिए
अब मुझे पता चल रहा है कि मेरे साथ जो कुछ भी होता है, उसे मैं ही बनाता हूँ, बढ़ावा...
Climb the Mountains and Get their Good Tidings
Nature’s peace will flow into you as the sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their freshness into you,...
4 Simple Hacks To Improve Your Productivity
Do you often struggle to take control of your day?Are you constantly worried about the imbalance between your personal and...