Aaj, abhi, work from home Karo Na !!

Corona virus, Corona, Karo Na!! A virus, a famous beer and an action, funny that the first one kills you, second one chills you and the third one is all about your ‘WILL'( to do something – in Hindi).With the virus outbreak towns, cities, states, markets, countries are shutting down, unprecedented decisions taken, but like it’s said ‘Sar salaamat to pagdi pachaas’ ( only if you are alive and have a head, you will get more chances to don more hats. So please follow the health instructions and government directives. The pandemic has created havoc in the minds of the people but being an optimist that I am, this too shall pass and better sense will prevail. My heart goes out to my Corporate colleagues grappling with the stress, deadlines, conflicts, pressures, topline, bottomline and yes, the BOSS! Challenging times of course but have you ever thought of the opportunity that this situation has presented you with – WORK FROM HOME, a paradigm shift in the way we work, a new norm to be adopted (I sincerely believe this should be implemented asap) wherever applicable. It’s a digital world, we are living in 2020 and not 1920,right?
Trust me while you work from home it’s tough to finish your office jobs, tasks, assignments responsibly and takes a lot of discipline. But hey if you really manage yourself better through the day, you have only got more time on your hands, good na! Its also a great time to cleanse your system, clear your mind, be focused, start bonding, be mindful, think of new ideas. So here I am with my two cents for working couples or single/young professionals for all the things you can do while you are at home –
1.Take a look at your parents and kids – Long hours at work, traffic jams, paucity of time has distanced you from them. Now you have got the time so stop and take it slow. How about a chai biscoot time in the morning or afternoon with them? They will feel better, what else? Nothing like chai pe charcha, right? Its two weeks alright but this is your chance to see your kids grow vertically. Take the ruler or tape, check for their growing height. Interesting? TOH YEH KARO NA!
source – www.google.com
2.Think positive – Easier said than done but when you build your mind garden brick by brick, feed it, sow it with seeds and water them right, it’s only going to weed out the negativity and bloom with flowers of creativity. You need to start cultivating it, a mindset change is just around the corner. EK BAAR TO YEH KARO NA! (Want to know how to do it, contact me!)
3.Exercise – I am all for health and taking care of yourself. For god’s sake look at yourself in the mirror, if you are horrified of the person in there it’s time to wake up from your ‘Kumbhakaran’ sleep. Aspiring to be like the bollywood stars is only going to harm your self- esteem and burn your pockets with the gym memberships that you never use. Simply take a walk with your spouse, breathe in the fresh air, jog, run or simply go cycling and explore your neighborhood. Options a plenty but not at the risk of yourself and others in these trying times. I suggest take up light exercises at home. I guarantee you that when things settle you will surely want to move outdoors and do all things I mentioned. AB YEH TOH DEFINITELY KARO NA!
source – www.google.com
source – www.google.com
4. Listen to music – When was the last time you listened to your favourite playlist? I know some will say that they hear it every day in their car while travelling to work. But when did you ‘listen’ to music to enjoy, to soothe you, to heal you, and above all to really appreciate the small notes that touch your soul, your innermost thoughts.DO IT AND DIFFERENCE NOTE KARO NA!
source – www.google.com
5. Read up or watch – Forget about updating yourself on the industry that you work in, I know all do it every day with the countless updates on apps on the phone. Relax, chill, read something light, dig out your old comics – Archies, Tintin, Champak, Tinkle, Chacha Chaudhary or best recommended watch cartoons with your kids. Nothing like laughing your guts out to the good old Tom & Jerry or Duck Tales. YEH BHI KARO NA!
Everyone has their own ways to unwind and relax. These pointers surely will excite, energize but I want you imagine and experience the ripple effect it is going to have on you mind, body and soul. The energy burst and buzz in your head when you get up in the morning. 100% guarantee to increase your productivity, lessen some of the wrinkles on your face, feel lighter, brighter and full of happiness raring to climb the next mountain, but I would suggest at your own pace. Everybody is on his/her own journey. Enjoy what you have.
Signing off for now!
I would love to hear your comments and feedback. For more positive conversations you can also contact me on sumkul@gmail.com.