Best Virtual Employee Engagement and Training Ideas
Fresh and tested employee relations ideas for a post-COVID-19 World

It goes without saying that a company is good as its teams and most companies do honestly care about their employee’s growth as much as theirs. But often, good intentions do not get translated into good action. Despite massive efforts by organizations, a recent survey showed that 85% of the employees are not engaged*. This is more so after the COVID-19 crisis where employees have not physically met for over a year. Even the HR Teams favorites (repeated every year!) of New Year Party, Secret Santa, Office Fun Games, Birthday Celebrations, Dumb Charades, and other so-called employee engagement activities are out of the question.
As most of the employees are connected from home, the so-called ‘fun activities’ have completely lost relevance. Even a multiplayer online game has failed to enthuse employees. This is primarily from the fact that employees are having better fun activities of their choice with their family and friends. The office needs to offer something different. Something that empowers employees with new skills and knowledge.
It is not that companies have not thought about this. Many companies developed their own online learning platforms, and many subscribed to the aggregator learning platforms. Even these initiatives have reached their stagnation and are failing to improve employee relations.
So, is there anything that keeps employees eternally engaged and motivated? There seems to some breakthrough in this regard, after years of research. Let us explore them together below,
Live Engagement Sessions with Successful People:
Employees tend to get bored soon with off-the-mill activities. 1 in 3 professionals cites boredom as their main reason to leave their jobs. Freshness and Alive are the antidotes of boredom. Employees need to interact with new people, learn new concepts, and need the opportunity to implement them.
Live Sessions with a successful expert from different domains like business, motivation, sports, movies, music, and others. A monthly or fortnightly live online or in-person interaction with them is all that is needed for your employees to feel alive and fresh. Not sure where to find successful people from across industries? Click Here
Expert Curated Customized E-Learning Content
Another proven method is to have got the proven experts curate customized E-Learning content which is applicable for many functions across the organization. E-Learning Content on topics like Public Speaking, Leadership, and Digital Marketing resonate well across functions, and here are a few free E-Learning Courses which you can consider.
One-on-One Mentoring Session with Domain Specials
Most of the Management Development Programs (MDP) or Leadership Training fail to achieve their objective, as they stop by pushing the same content on everyone. But leadership style and approach vary from individual to individual. A new pivot that is yielding great results is the arrangement of one-on-one mentoring and engagement sessions between your chosen employees with a respective mentor. Do not think that it’s way too expensive and time-consuming to do it. There are support networks that help you achieve this at scale. SpeakIn leading expert network and get in touch with them to know more.
A recent survey said that companies with a highly engaged workforce are 21% more profitable* and we are on a mission to help companies increase their employee engagement and training. We’re on the constant lookout for more fresh ideas for employee engagement that are yielding results and we will add them to this lease as find them. So, bookmark this page and keep visiting this to get fresh talent management ideas.