3 Simple Steps to Bounce Back From Any Failure in Life
Resilience is the word that defines one’s ability to rise again strongly after being knocked down. Confucius once spoke of...
Resilience is the word that defines one’s ability to rise again strongly after being knocked down. Confucius once spoke of...
A SMILE. A HELLO. A SIMPLE NUDGE. A GENTLE NOD. A THANK YOU. And all things like that. All these...
In this fast-changing world, the biggest challenge for all of us is to not meekly accept situations and circumstances, but...
Once I was out for shopping and was about to finish and suddenly my friend Dilip called me and said:...
Over the past couple of months, the news coverage is mainly of the frauds happening in the Indian banking sector....
There is a magical importance to chanting or reciting a Hindu mantra 108 times. There are various different types of mantras...
पिज्जा, मतलब नई पीढ़ी का सबसे पसंदीदा फास्ट फूड। एक ऐसा पका-पकाया तैयार खाना जो, भरे पेटवालों को भी अपने...
बोतलबंद पानी या कहें कि मिनरल वाटर आज भले ही एक सस्ती हकीकत लगती है, लेकिन महज 10 साल पहले...
व्यक्ति या जगह को हम उनके रंग-रूप और रहन-सहन से पहचानते हैं, पर उनका स्वभाव और व्यवहार जानने के बाद...
As I mentor my client to prepare her for one of the biggest pitches of her life, we go over...