EdTech and the COVID Impact on Products/Apps/Tools to Enhance Learning, Pedagogy and Instruction from The Region

Several businesses have been impacted worldwide due to the COVID 19 outbreak whereas the ed-tech companies have witnessed a spike in users. Schools, colleges, universities might have shutdown but learning hasn’t stopped, thanks to the technology that has enhanced communication. To discuss the impact of recent happenings on products, apps, tools that enhance learning, SpeakIn has invited Dr. Aseem Chauhan – Chairman, Amity University, Aakash Chaudhry – MD and Chairman, Aakash Institute and Raghav Gupta – MD, Coursera to enlighten the listeners on the current trends. The session will be moderated by Bhupendra Chaubey – Journalist and Fr. Editor, CNN.
Considering the impact of this pandemic, e-learning companies have seized this opportunity to aggressively promote courses that are helping people build new skills in their idle time. EdTech companies are trying to curate and launch tools that will ease out the learning process for users. Digital learning platforms have integrated learning and technology in a progressive manner. The old chalk and talk method was not even completely replaced by white boards and we can already witness another model completely driven by technology.
With the disruption in learning industry, can we also expect a prolonged impact on employment in the coming years? People with access to internet can enjoy learning uninterrupted but what about the less privileged? The world is not completely digitised after all. This complex structure might ease out the process for teachers and students, but what can be its long-term impact? The integration of education and technology sure possesses a lot of questions in mind that can be best answered by experts who have dedicated decades researching and developing ways to elevate the experience of learning for students.
Join us live and engage in a discussion to learn about some key insights of this industry. Register on https://www.speakin.co/webinar-details/23 and grab your chance to interact with experts who can decode the future of products integrating technology and education.