How to Win the Battle of Weight Loss

You must be wondering how a psychologist is writing about ways to lose weight and the battle of weight loss.
It’s a very old saying, “all is in our mind “and it is so very true when it comes to weight management.
Let’s begin with the very basic desire of LOOKING GOOD, it’s true that all of us want to look good and there is nothing wrong in it. But the problem begins when we try to do something about it and feel stuck. Losing weight feels like a battle which one will never be able to win, it’s a monster that keeps coming back.
I have done a lot of research and asked many people with excess weight and mainly the response was, “I have done everything but still I am unable to lose weight, even if I lose weight then again it comes back in few months “then I asked them what exactly did you do? The answer was,” I went to gym , I have done crash diets, hired a trainer for a few months, joined yoga classes etc but it comes back 🙁 “
One thing I found was common and that was, as much as they wanted to lose weight, they did not like the exercises and staying away from their favourite food either.
There’s no wonder they were losing the battle of weight loss. Imagine you’re going to fight a boxing match half-heartedly. And if I ask you what are the chances of winning that match? I think now you understand one I’m talking about.
If you want to lose weight for good, you’ll have to follow a process and because it’s a process it will take some time. Whenever we follow a long process it gets boring, therefore we have to find a way to make it interesting so that we keep liking it till the very end. And trust me by the end of this process you will say that, you like doing work out!
So friends, I’m going to share few tips which can definitely help you to win this battle of weight loss and also change your thought process about it.
- The first step is to ask yourself how much do you want it? Try to rate it on the scale of one to ten. And stick it somewhere you can see it.
- The second step is to decide how much weight you need to lose. Make a note of that too on the same sheet.
I’m sure you might have done above mentioned two steps before as well, but our third step is different. We will not put a timeline to it. You will not weigh yourself every week. We are not only trying only to lose weight, we are trying to set up a habit to stay away from excess weight gain for a lifetime. We’re talking about modifying our brain in order to stay healthy and fit. Therefore no timelines, we will focus mainly on setting up a routine.
So now we have a GOAL and a strong desire to reach the goal too with routines and no set timelines. You know what exactly you want and also how much do you want it but don’t know when.
- Your next step is to explore and decide variety of exercises, for example; going to gym running outside, yoga etc. It may take months to decide what exactly you like for workout. I emphasise on finding few exercises that you really like, because sticking to something that you don’t like have higher chances of quitting in the middle of your goal achievement.
- Now we have a goal now we have few tools to reach the goal too, therefore the next step is to focus on your food habits. I suggest you to buy a diary and start writing your daily food intake for at least three weeks. Remember you only have to write for 3 weeks before changing anything in your diet. By doing this you are simply observing your food habits and your mind is taking a note of everything that you’re eating. This observation is going to help you to win the battle.
We all know what’s the difference in between nutritious and junk food, what’s the drawback of eating carbs and sugar, but still we go for unhealthy food. Therefore by writing everything you eat through the day, you are making a note in your mind. And trust me after 3 weeks you will automatically start switching to healthier options.
Once you start liking the workout and opting for healthier food, you have already won the half battle.
- The next step is consistency. And because you like your workout and the foods aren’t forced too, it’s easier this time to be consistent. There are very less chances to leave the routine and fall back in the vicious circle again.
All you need is practice, practice and practice.
And trust me I can guarantee that if you keep doing this for six months you will develop the habit of staying healthy and in your desired weight all through your life.
All the best folks!