The Road that Leads you to Happy Life

“We have two lives, and the second begins when we realise we only have one.”
The above quote is more relevant than ever, as today the lives being lived are under the impression that we have a lot to ACHIEVE and a lot of TIME to do it.
Interestingly, the LOT which needs to be achieved is not something that makes one truly LIVE life. So, what is that we are REALLY looking to ACHIEVE in our lives? Money, relationships, peace, happiness…? What is that really gives the ULTIMATE KICK?

Lets us first look at the way we are constructed that probably may lead us to the key.
To take care of the basic needs of our body – we need money (some less and some more)… then comes the need to secure our minds by taking care of the foreseeable future by SAVINGS… next level is about our need to be recognised and loved and finally is the realisation that all of the aforementioned does not matter… however funny it may sound!!!
Then, is it really worth or more importantly, REQUIRED for us to go through these phases?
The answer is YES & NO!!!
Yes, as we as humans generally not ONLY GO through these phases but also GROW through them and that what takes us to the next level of realisation.
No, because there is a way where without going through all the stages, still there is a chance where we can evolve through the phases. But. The chance is very bleak considering so many distractions in todays day and age.
So, what are the choices or way out? Simple…
Do not get ATTACHED to your GOALS so much that you FORGET to get INVOLVED in the PROCESS.
Easier said than done!!!
How can we not get ATTACHED to the RESULTS as the culture most of us grew up always rewarded & recognised the RESULT (SUCCESS) and closeted the FAILURES.
So how to come out of this DNA?
By going back to the ways of the childhood or even nature. Our growing up years can be such an inspiration. If we are able to even get back to 10% of our OLD WAYS, our lives would be much much happier.
Things like waking up in the mornings would become beautiful, seeing a loved one every time in the day would bring in a huge smile, every moment would be lived without brooding over the past and worrying about the future. No time for anything but just pure living in every moment of life. Welcoming each new situation with a sense of curiosity which would get our senses forget everything else. No judgements whatsoever of people or situations and bereaved of any expectation to be someone else.
Unadulterated by human limitation and lifted by the spirits.
Yes that is how simple it is and how hard we have made it.