We all are Salespersons!

Today I want to talk to you about Sales, what it is and what it is not. No matter if you are a student, a parent, a brother or sister, an employee starting your career, the CEO of a company, a small businessman or a big businesswoman, you are in sales.
Why do I say this?
On every single day of your life, either somebody is selling you something or you are selling something to them.
For example, your mother. She is perhaps the best salesperson you would come across in your entire life. From the very first day onwards, she pushed you; from eating fruits to sleeping on time, even when you did not want to. You defied her but she still pushed you and that’s the reason you are probably a good human being today. Of course, there are other factors and people that also made you who you are today; like your friends, colleagues, and other people in your network. But the commitment, resilience and focus your mother has shown to follow up with you and keep pushing cannot be compared to anybody else. These are the various traits of a master salesperson that very few can match. Her belief in making you the best makes her the biggest saleswoman you would ever come across in your entire life.
Does that make her a bad person?
Absolutely not! In fact, that makes her one of the most valuable person that exists in our society.
In the same way,
a salesperson is that human being who has confidence in his/her product, service and idea.
They would go to any length to convince their prospects and even ardently follow through to handle any objection because they believe that it is the right product, service, or idea for that customer.
So, why is it that so many people hate sales?
The number one reason people hate sales is because they don’t understand what it is.
They have never taken the time to study their surroundings and notice that a sale is happening around them every single day and all the time. From the time an individual gets up to brush his/her teeth, drives his car, converse with others and go on vacations; it is all sales! Sales influences our everyday world for the better or sometimes worse.
Thus, learning how to sell does matter.
In this article, I am going to give you 3 tips on how you can get comfortable while consciously selling anything you want to. No matter what you do in your life or how old you are, these three gems will help you up your sales game.
- Have 100% belief in what you are selling: As simple as it sounds, it is not easy. But no skill or experience can match the conviction that comes from having 100% confidence in what you’re selling. How do you build such a belief system? For this you need to ask yourself below two questions:
a) Am I stealing from somebody or killing somebody?
b) Will this person benefit from my product/service?
If you have answered ‘No’ to the first question and ‘Yes’ to the second one, you have no need to be scared about what you are doing or saying. Just have faith.
- State Your Intent: Too often people are unable to explain and state their objectives in clear understandable words. The best way to start a conversation when you are selling something is to make your intentions clear by saying something like “My purpose is to …….”. This is so powerful that it guarantees you the attention of the person you are addressing. This increases your chances of convincing them.
- Go for The Close: Finally, you need to make sure you are asking the correct closing question, e.g. “So when do we start the project from?” Or “when will your colleague get back to you on the project?” or “Are you clear with all details explained?” GO FOR THE CLOSE often and as many times as required in the conversation.
The biggest mistake one makes in a transaction is by not asking the closing question. It can be proposing the person you like or convincing your friends to take that road trip or raising money for your business. Most transactions and conversations don’t come to a conclusion because people spend too much time trying to be liked. But when it comes to a transaction, people get scared to ask the closing question. Here is where once again your belief in what you are selling comes into play.