Dr Marcia Reynolds

Dr Marcia Reynolds

SpeakIn Expert Speaker

Dr Marcia Reynolds

SpeakIn Expert Speaker

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Want to get positive results from all your interactions, even your difficult conversations where emotions run high? Through speaking, training, and coaching, Dr. Marcia Reynolds helps leaders and coaches hold powerful and effective conversations that change people"s minds, hearts, and behavior....Read More

Dr. Marcia Reynolds has coached leaders, delivered leadership and emotional intelligence programs, and spoken at conferences for clients in 43 countries. She has also presented at many universities including Harvard Kennedy School and Cornell University.

Marcia is a pioneer in the coaching profession. She was the 5th global president of the International Coach Federation and is one of 20 coaches recognized in the ICF Circle of Distinction. Currently, she is the training director for the Healthcare Coaching Institute in the US and on faculty of 5 coaching schools in Asia and Europe. Outside of the schools, she teaches Leader as Coach classes to leaders in organizations and government agencies around the world and consults with many global organizations on how to build coaching cultures.

Marcia’s expertise in coaching executives is to elevate their leadership effectives by improving their communications and presence. She has a light but firm style that engages as well as challenges their thinking patterns. Her typical clients are senior leaders and high potentials.

Before launching her own business, her greatest success came from designing the culture change program for a global technology company facing bankruptcy. Within three years, the company turned around and became the #1 revenue producing US IPO in 1993. She led training organizations for three corporations for 16 years before starting her own coaching business.

Her education includes a doctorate in Organizational Psychology and two master’s degrees in communication and adult learning.  Dr. Reynolds is passionate about expanding minds, uplifting hearts, and connecting us all to make a difference on this planet.

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    Covisioning LLC
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    Education And Training
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    United States
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  • What is the value of using a coaching approach in conversations when people hire you to use your expertise for answers?
  • How do you deal with people who don’t know what they want or have any ideas what to do next?
  • What if you don’t have time to sit down and coach someone because of all the work on your plate?
Learner’s Speak – A testimonial

Being coached by Marcia, in the light of her tremendous experience and wisdom, felt like swimming in a balmy water. _x000D_ The coaching process was caring and nurturing; after our session I felt rejuvenated and my mind had a new appetite to trust that it's possible to live my purpose AND to be loved AND perhaps to even make mistakes that I now see that I have the capacity to correct._x000D_ Our coaching session gave me the emotional footprint of the possible. I am endlessly grateful for that._x000D_ Joining Marcia's Breakthrough Coaching Certification program is one of the best things that happened to me in 2021. Marcia's work and the whole program touches hearts and transforms lives everywhere in the world. It's an honor to learn from someone I consider a true role model and I can only hope that one day I also will be able to hold the space for someone's growth and becoming as Marcia did for me during our coaching.

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(2 Reviews)
Hunter Rios

Hunter Rios

1 year ago

Thanks for the great lectures. You don't know- you've changed my life! I was bored with my practice and you reinvigorated my whole practice outlook!

Saroj L

Saroj L

1 year ago

Worth attending a great session

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