Sally Zhang

Sally Zhang

SpeakIn Expert Speaker

Sally Zhang

SpeakIn Expert Speaker

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Sally brings transformative coaching experiences to over 100 individuals worldwide, spanning diverse industries. As a certified PCC Coach recognized by the International Coach Federation, Center of Executive Coaching (CEC), and Career Mentor with Career Direct, she leverages rich human resource and team management expertise.

Her coaching ethos revolves around fostering sustainable positive change in both clients and their businesses. Sally employs methods that prioritize self-awareness and drive success through enduring behavioral shifts. Employing a style she terms "tough empathy," she adeptly confronts without confrontation, guiding clients toward holistic development in both their essence and actions.

Sally's hands-on expertise extends across notable entities like Tencent, Tik Tok, Google, Atlassian, GE, PWC, IHG, Philip HealthCare, and Ogilvy, amplifying her coaching impact.

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  • Designation:

    Executive & Career Coach
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  • Location:

    Shanghai, China
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Learner’s Speak – A testimonial

During the process of setting up a self-media studio, I asked Coach Sally to help and accompany me in completing this plan. In many discussions, from initial product positioning to content planning, Sally helped me clarify product planning. When faced with contradictions in brand positioning, when I clarify what is truly important, I can focus more in the right direction. In addition, when I faced personal shortcomings and psychological pressure, Sally helped me see how my past successful experiences could be applied to current challenges through consultation and guidance. It also helped me generate new ideas and plans for the studio. courage. Through gadgets and tests, I also saw what I was afraid of and what direction I could continue to work towards. I set up a personal studio to face various challenges. I am grateful to the coach for accompanying me, discussing with me, and giving me a lot of inspiration.

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