Shoukei Matsumoto

Shoukei Matsumoto

SpeakIn Expert Speaker

Shoukei Matsumoto

SpeakIn Expert Speaker

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Shokei Matsumoto serves as the Managing Director of Japan Fellowship of Buddhists and is a Buddhist Monk at Komyoji Temple, Jodo-Shinshu Hongwanji-ha in Kyoto, Japan. With a B.A. in Literature from the University of Tokyo and an MBA from the Indian School of Business as a Rotary Foundation Ambassadorial Scholar, Matsumoto has led innovative initiatives like the Temple Café Project and founded the popular Virtual Temple "HIGANJI." He established "Mirai no Jushoku-Juku," a temple management school, and authored over 5 books, some translated into multiple languages. Recognized as a Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum in 2013, he contributes to global leadership and public policy discussions. Matsumoto completed the Global Leadership and Public Policy for the 21st Century Program at Harvard University's John F. Kennedy School of Government in 2017, further enhancing his impact on cultural exchange and community engagement.

  • Organisation:

    World Economic Forum
  • Designation:

    Buddhist monk | Author - "A Monks' Guide to a Clean House and Mind" | Member of Young Global Leaders
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  • Location:

    Tokyo, Japan
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Rise Above: Adaptability & Resilience

 12 December, 2024 04:30 PM
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